Friday, January 10, 2020

The Last Bit of My Family (almost) Has Been Found!!!

Well, it's official.  The last bit of my birth family has been found, with the exception of a half-sister on my birth mother's side...Barbara Jean Wells.  I had a cousin on my birth father's side email me through asking me why, if we were so closely related, she hadn't ever heard of me? I explained to her about being adopted and she told me that I looked just like her uncle Richard.

The cousin, Jennifer Young, put me in contact with Richard's daughter, Jodi Young-Vinson.  Jodi told me that her father and his brother, Ray Young, used to hang out with my birth mother, Mozell Wells, and her brother Odell when they were teenagers.  Richard, who is still alive by the way, says that he doesn't remember ever being with Mozell intimately.  His brother, Ray (who died in 1977 in a car accident) was only 14 years old at the time (Mozell was 18 or 19), so it wasn't out of the realm of possibility that Ray could have been my father.  Jennifer and I convinced Jodi to get an AncestryDNA kit.  If her results matched mine as a close family member then Richard was my father and if they matched mine as a 1st-2nd cousin then Ray was my father.  The results came back as a close family member...Richard Young is my father!  Richard is still kind of confused but he has accepted the newest addition to his clan...they are big on family.  By finding out that Richard is my father I gained another 6 half-brothers and half-sisters!!!  Everybody wants to meet me...they are all excited!!!  It turns out that both sides of my birth family are from Baytown, Texas.

Well, that is the latest family update.  Talk to everyone later!

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